Cor blimey guv'ner
It's been a productive day in the garden. Plot one is finished completely, as is the potato bed (nestling neatly between the two rows of raspberry canes). My personal aim for the day was to eliminate the tall invasive weed things that Rob cut back during our first proper assault on the garden. At the time, we thought the plants were Japanese Knotweed, a nasty brute if ever there was one. Luckily, they turned out to be Jerusalem Artichokes, which make a lovely soup (if a little farty), but these bad boys had turned rampant. The damn things had got everywhere - even escaping under the concrete fence footings into next door's garden - but about two thirds of them are now out, and languishing in the cold frame while we decide what to do with them. I reckon that there's several cubic metres of fart sitting there.
A slideshow of all the garden photos can be found here: it's frightening to see how much of a difference we've made, but it looks and feels like a garden now, not just an abandoned bit of ground. What's made it even more exciting today was the planting of our first crop: garlic, from sets. The garlic variety we've chosen is Fokyhama; this is partly because they were the sets on sale in Homebase, and partly because they sound like "Feck yer mama" (if you say it quickly enough with a bit of a slur). Other seeds and sets have been chosen (it took a long session with seed catalogues and pints of beer to decide exactly what to buy) and ordered: there are three A4 sides to the seed order, with getting on for thirty different veggy options... you can't say that we're not up for a challenge!