
Idiosyncratic veg growing in the vicar's garden AND in an allotment in the village. A "how not to" guide...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Plot 9

We officially took over at Plot 9 on Sunday. It's a big plot...

...and it's at the top of a hill overlooking the village.

The soil seems very sandy and hard, and is certainly in need of some TLC and vast amounts of compost. It was quite breezy while we were up there, and "overexposed" is perhaps a polite word for it. It does have a seating area at the top end though...

...from which point you can admire the right-hand side of the plot...

...which has already had a sprinkling of green manure seeds, which will be dug in around late summer and then re-sown with green manure to over-winter.

From the seat you can also admire the view of the left-hand side of the plot...

...which has raspberries and a bean/pea frame already in place. This bed is going to have more fruit bushes, the asparagus and the globe artichokes - all permanent stuff.

The only other thing that plot 9 has is lots of rabbits. Well, not just plot 9. There's clearly a massive bunny problem up there, and we have a chicken-wire fence all the way round the plot. Other allotment holders seem to have all sorts of ingenious anti-rabbit devices protecting their tender new crops, so I'll have to get my thinking cap on. Or bring in the services of Julia, Jerome, Rob and the guns. Pop pop bang bang!!


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